Please read on to find out about lots of local events and activities over half term and beyond, not least the Appledore Village Green Fete on Saturday 3rd June…
It’s started – work on our art studio.
To update you, we are creating a permanent art studio at Appledore School and there is a team, made up of pupils, parents, staff and local artists and trades, that is making this happen. They have been very busy so far and the children in Year 6 have been busy writing letters (click here to see one) requesting materials.
If you know of an organsiation that could donate any of the following, please do contact Kate Harvey on
- Wood panels (eg plywood) for storage cupboards
- Flooring and adhesive
- varnish
- Tiles
- Double sink and plumbing fittings
- trestles
- Aprons
- Hinges
- Coat hooks
- Picture frames (various sizes)
- Canvas and calico
- Paper
- paints
- Inks
- T-shirts -m plain white child sizes
Forest school club 17th 18th May
In these session the groups have been talking about what should be added, improved or changed in the ‘jungle’, including turning the bottom right-hand area (currently just a pile of earth and branches) it into a ‘kids’ kingdom’ by making the most of the slopes and different heights there, to create a mud slide and some scrambling areas, and also planting some willow to create places to hide. As forest school is very much about problem solving and taking responsibility, the children will be hands-on in designing the space, solving any safety or building issues, presenting the design to the headmaster and, if it is approved, helping to build it.
Some of the children have made willow stars this week. Other activities have included planting the remaining flower bed and containers, decorating the story chair with paint/clay handprints and making leaf butterflies and stick people. The children have also been painting and writing in their forest books and making improvements to dens.
With the generous help of some parents, we soon hope to be extending the jungle shed, by connecting a roofed, open-sided area to it. This will provide a space for a wider range of outdoor crafts, no matter what the British weather throws at us. A parent has also kindly offered to build us some child and adult height saw horses, which will hold wood securely, and at the correct height, when using saws. These will be ideal for the tool use area.
We are going to start contacting local businesses for donations of building materials, den thatching materials, ceramic tiles, plants etc. If you know of any business owners or managers who might look kindly upon our request, please do let us know.
Things we need for the forest (please).
Tomato plants
Pea or bean plants (any type).
If you have any queries or would like to:
* enrol your child in a session
* help to build new resources
* share a traditional skill or craft with the group
please call Jayne on 07984655688 Or email
It’s been a very, very bust and exciting week, including new arrivals, our twelve values, rugby and football success, a visiting traveller and much more. Please read on to find out more…
Forest school club 10th & 11th May
This week we were doing lots of interesting things with earth and clay. We have moved soil to our new raised beds, ready to plant more herbs, vegetables and flowers. Some of the children have also planted pumpkin seeds, to care for at home. While we were moving earth, we thought about how to use spades safely and care for tools. We were excited to see that some leaves are now emerging from the recently planted potatoes (kindly donated by the headmaster).
Thank you to John for the work he is doing on laying a path to the pond. We hope to be pond-dipping very soon!
Things we need for the forest – could anyone spare a few veg plants?
If you have any queries or would like to:
- enrol your child in a session
- help to build new resources
- share a traditional skill or craft with the group
please call Jayne on 07984655688 Or email
Please read on to find out more about our activities this week…
Please read on to find out about our art studio, local events and what has been happening in and around the classes…
Please be aware that we are experiencing problems with emails due to us migrating to a new provider. As a result, all emails sent to us after 1pm Wednesday 10th May have not yet reached us.Until further notice, please call the school on 01237 474 365 if you need to contact us.
…with our plans to have an art studio at Appledore School for the children?
If you think you might like be involved in making this happen, please try and come to our meeting at 5.45pm on Friday 19th May here at school. Anybody and verybody is welcome, and if you have any particular skills (artistic, trade or professional) please do try and attend. Out first step is to get the studio created and for that to happen we need tradesmen, fundraisers and people who can support us.
If you are unable to attend, but would like to be involved, please email
Carnival Queen disco will be starting from 19:00 on Friday 19th of May at Appledore Social Club during which the judges need to select the Carnival Queen, her attendants, two fairy Queens and a young pirate. The Carnival is Saturday 13th August. Please read on to find out more…
Please read on to find out about the Westward Ho! Seaside Fesitval, tennis, art, vandalism (sadly) and what has been happeming in the classes…
A bust week involving Circus Day, tournament successes, House photos and much, much more so please read on…
Please read on to find out what has been happening during our first week back…
Please read on to find out about our new outdoor play equipment, tag rugby, time capsule, gymnastics and much, much more…
Please read on to find out about the choir, around the classes annd much, much more…
Change of Routine
I am sure you have noticed that we have installed a new fence at the bottom of our car park. As a result, not only has this almost doubled the amount of space children have to play it has also increased the security of the site during and after school hours.
We have now added a lock to the gate on this fence and nee to explain site access arrangements, so please read this article.