
Newsletter for the week ending 16th December
16 December 2016

News about what has been happening in classes and will be happening…

The term ended with all the children singing to each other songs and carols from their respective Christmas nativity or carol service, and what a great way to end the term and really bring in the start of Christmas! Well done everybody.

Just a few reminders for the new term:

  • Children start back in school on Wednesday 4th January
  • Uniform – with the frestive season over, please can we return to appropriately sized and coloured hair bands and remember that trainers are not permitted footwear.
  • Tag Rugby club – this will be running for Years 4,5 & 6 on Tuesday nights, starting on Tuesday 10th January. A letter will be distributed to all interested at the start of next term

Around the Classes

We have continued with the theme of Christmas (no surprise!) in FSU. We made Christmas crowns for our lunch and party and we loved our visit from Santa! He told us that he is several years old and that his elf helpers are called Buddy and Elfis. We also went to The Jungle to decorate the trees with Christmas decorations. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and see you in 2017.

This week in Sea lions we have become Authors. All term we have been looking at the story Traction Man, and this week we have written our own stories about the adventures Traction Man might have around School. All of our stories can be found in the Writing Gallery, on the way to the hall. In Maths we have been demonstrating what he have learnt about place value and the words more and less. As well as becoming Authors, we have become Weavers. We have made some beautiful wintery decorations, using cardboard and wool. These will be on display in the Gallery very soon. We have also had a go at some Christmas challenges – for instance following the instructions to draw the correct decorations on a Christmas Tree, and a mosaic with real and nonsense words that have to be coloured in different colours to reveal a christmassy picture. The whole class were able to complete both these tasks with a minimum amount of support, showing how far they have come since September. They, and you, deserve a very relaxing and lovely Christmas Holiday.

Lundy Puffins have worked hard this week to create Christmas cards, finish writing stories and complete reading assessments. They have worked hard all term and should be proud of the progress they have made. We’d like to take this
opportunity to wish all a relaxing Christmas and thank you for your continued support over the past term.

Seahunter have had a great last week. They have been very excited about Christmas but managed to complete some great topic books and prepare a class museum for parents. It was lovely to have so many parents in on Thursday afternoon. The children enjoyed explaining how a museum is set up and guided their guests around the artefacts and activities excellently. They also enjoyed sharing their work and reading their brilliant chimney sweep stories. thank you to all the parents who joined us. The children have had an amazing first term in Year 3 and deserve a relaxing break. We wish both them and their families a very happy christmas!

HMS Echo have had a busy week, finishing off their Theseus Diaries and other pieces of work. They have been making a Pop-up page for Theseus using the techniques they have learnt over the term. The greek shoes, that they made on Golden Day, have been decorated to their design, so there was gold paint and sequins adorning the classroom and Mrs Lawrence!
After Christmas we will be looking at Life in Roman times, so dig out your togas!
Have a restful holiday and enjoy!!

Year 5 have finally completed their Tudor stories and will publish them in the New Year. Maths has involved division this week and using Maths Rocks to help with tables knowledge – they have seen the need for having knowledge at their fingertips when trying to complete calculations quickly and accurately. We had more bikeability this week which went well and also a workshop about keeping safe whilst using technology. The workshop was very informative and children will be bringing home a leaflet so it would be great to talk to them at home about what they have learnt. Thank you for all residential payments received before Christmas (£20 was due by 16.12.16). Our topic next term will be Space so if you have any great resources to share they would be very welcome. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year.

It’s the last week! This week we have completed everything we had that was unfinished including: art, maths, singing and R.E. In art we painted bells and made origami Santa Clauses. In maths we did quite a few tests linked to algebra, measurement and ratio and proportion. We had a visit from the local police officers to tell us about the use of social media and the laws of using this at our age. Later in the week we then watched a performance by ‘Virtual Reality’ about e-safety. On Tuesday we also walked down to the church and sang our hearts out… We sang Christmas songs. Finally, in R.E. we learnt some more about Judaism and watched a movie called The Prince Of Egypt about Moses.
By Class Reporters, William and Laurence.
A note from Mrs McMorine: Thank you Y6 for working so hard this term. I have been amazed by how much you have challenged yourself and the progress you have made. You have all matured into wonderful young people and I feel extremely privileged to be able to say I am your teacher. It was the class residential to Heatree when I saw you really come together as a class and work as a team. This attitude has continued for the rest of the term and you are so supportive of each other. From the start of Y6 you took on the many roles and responsibilities around the school. You never say you will not do your job and have been a fantastic role model to the younger pupils . You were brilliant on Christmas dinner day working non-stop from 11am to 1pm to get everything ready. Did you complain about not having a break? No. You helped the staff ensure all pupils had their dinner quickly and everyone had an enjoyable time. This attitude and commitment is credit to you all and I am looking forward to seeing what the spring term brings. Happy Christmas to you and your families.

Have a great Christmas
Best wishes,
Jeremy Cooper and all of the staff and children.

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