
Newsletter for the week ending 27th January
27 January 2017

Please read on to find out what has been happening around the classes…

round the Classes

In FSU we have flown a little further around the world this week and landed in Australia. Miski has been our expert this week, telling us about her life in Australia for the last six months. We have compared the climate, the houses and the flag to our country and made some lovely Australian biscuits. We also enjoyed our trip to the library changing our books for new one

This week in Maths Year 1 have started looking at money. We have looked at the value of different coins, and compared them using the vocabulary more than, less than and equal to. We have also practised counting in 2s and 10s, using 2p and 10p coins. Next week we will be counting in 5s using 5p coins. In Writing we have been looking at how to use a glossary. We have made a list of words that could be used in a glossary of a book about chefs. We then sorted the words into alphabetical order, and thought of definitions for each of the words. On Thursday Lucy’s dad came in to speak to us about his job at Skern Lodge. He told us lots of interesting information about his job and showed us an example of an activity he might do with a group of children at Skern. We are really grateful to him for coming in. We have also been learning about Chinese New Year, we have found out the story of why the years are named after animals and have learnt a song about Chinese New Year. We will be telling the rest of the school what we have learnt in an assembly next week.

Lundy Puffins have been enjoying reading the book ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ and this has inspired some class writing entitled ‘How to wash a hairy chimpanzee’! Next week, they will be writing their own instructions for how to wash an animal of their choice. In Maths, they have been investigating addition and subtraction and how they are linked. They found that if they knew one number sentence such as 13+7=20, they could use this to write 3 other number sentences with the same numbers. In their topic work, they have looked at houses around the world and how the homes adapted to different climates. In computing, they learned how to search for images of houses on the internet, which they will use to go with some writing next week. Some children’s artwork, which had been on display in the classroom, has been selected for a special schools’ exhibition at the Burton Art Gallery. Look out for it!

Seahunter have excelled themselves in Maths this week, getting to grips with decimal numbers. Using pizza images, printing and chocolate cake, they have explored what a tenth is and can now count in tenths, represent them in different ways and add them. In art, they have researched and created tropical birds, which they have drawn with pastels and made a model of using modroc. The final products will be up in the gallery after half term

In Year 4 this week, in Maths, we have looked at subtraction word problems and measuring. We have continued working on our quest stories and have looked at telling the reader about feelings, by including actions and speech. In PE we have worked in partners to produce a simple sequence involving rolling,balancing and jumping. We are hoping to go to Exeter to visit the cathedral and mosque, so you should have received a letter this week. Please let us know if you haven’t received one!

Year 5 writing about our planets is coming along well – soon the children will advertise their favourite planet in the hope that you might want to visit. We have enjoyed sharing the 500 word stories that have been written for homework – very differerent interpretations of the theme ‘reflection’ – well done for all those ideas. Maths is still comparing and ordering fractions – tables knowledge is being used well. We have chosen groups to create our model solar system, so any resources would be greatly appreciated. Gymnastics has shown great team work this week, which was amazing. Cooking sessions have been really enjoyable, it was bread this week. Thank you to those who have made the latest residential payment

This week we did several things: English, maths, D.T, science, R.E and topic. In English we are completing our personalized stories based on a local legend: (The Mousehole cat). In maths we learnt how to do BODMAS, common factors and Prime numbers. In D.T we started building our ship model for our group projects. We also did a bit of R.E where we learnt about The Good Samaritan. In science we continued on our Human Body work and this week we learnt about the lungs. Finally, in topic we got out our laptops and worked on our projects (a bit of research).
By Class reporters, William and Laurence.

Best wishes,
Jeremy Cooper and all of the staff and children.

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