Welcome to Appledore School
Appledore School is located in the heart of an ancient fishing village, rich in maritime history, where the River Torridge meets the River Taw in beautiful North Devon.
We have approximately two hundred and fifty children, aged 3-11, taught in single age classes with names linked to the sea. Many are named after famous ships built in Appledore Shipyard and reflect our pupils’ pride in their local heritage and community.
Through a rich and rigorous curriculum, our pupils play an active part in their local community and prepare for life’s opportunities, responsibilities and experiences, now and in the future. The creative arts are of huge importance to us and our art studio, woodland and polytunnel are the creative hubs of the school and our main corridor is our art gallery! We are part of a cooperative trust of schools and a training school for student teachers.
We hope you can find the information you are looking for, but if you can’t please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do all we can to help. And as for the quotes, they are real!
From all the staff and pupils at Appledore School
Please note, we are a nut-free school.

Latest News
Dear parents and carers
Next half term our value is Healthy and children will continue to learn about how they can keep themselves safe and healthy. Included within this is the statutory curriculum for relationship, sex and health education.
To support you with understanding what will be taught and to address initial questions and concerns we have published information, including relevant outline lesson plans and FAQs, on our school website
The lesson plans content meets the Department of Education statutory requirements of what we have to teach and the timing of the content, which may have been earlier than some expect, is based on guidance that ensures children become aware of what they need to know before it could happen, e.g. girls menstruating.
The lessons are designed to ensure children are safe and safeguarded and delivered sensitively and in a way to eliminate stigma, which is why lessons will be taught to boys and girls. Opportunities for children to ask questions 1:1 or in small same sex groups will be provided if proving necessary.
Please follow the links to understand what will be taught and to prepare yourself for questions your children may ask following their lessons. If you have any questions, please email admin@appledoreprimary.co.uk and we will respond asap and prior to the delivery of the lessons.
A fun week that included Year 5 sharing their space models and continuing writing their space logs! Please read the Around the Classes section to find out more…
We are working closely with Martha Boalch, Appledore Community Animator for the North Devon Biosphere’s new Community Project, is very much involved with our Royal Society ‘Tomorrow’s Climate Scientists’ project where we are encouraging the children to also get involved in community environmental projects. In addition to assisting the school in many of our year group science investigations, Martha is also inviting families to complete the Biosphere Online Survey, which will help the Biosphere to understand any barriers to engaging with the environment, and the issues that matter to communities.
Next half term our value is Healthy and children will continue to learn about how they can keep themselves safe and healthy. Included within this is the statutory curriculum for relationship, sex and health education. Information has been sent to parents via email and to see the content of the email and for the links to understand what is being taught please see here.
Torridge Family Hub, Victoria Park, Bideford is holding a free drop-in for parents to chat to Speech and Language therapists and Special Educational Needs Advisors if you worried about your child’s developing language skills, want to know how you can help at with language development in the home, what ‘behaviour is communication’ really means and how talking with your child can support their reading and writing. See here for more information.
Diary dates:
- After school on Friday 14th February, the last day before half term, there will be a cake sale run by FOAS and our year 6 children. Cake donations please and if you want to donate themed cakes it is Valentines Day after all!
- Saturday 22nd February, 10am-12pm, free Bird Box Workshop in Appledore Library
- World Book Day 2025 is Thursday 6th March. Turtles, Dolphins, Years 1 and 2 can come to school dressed in pyjamas for a bedtime story. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can dress in pyjamas or as a character from a book they have read
Wishing you all a good weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
Thank you those of you who shop at Asda and nominated us as your school for ‘Cashpot for Schools’. We have just heard that the school will receive £446!
Kingsley School are holding their Senior School Open Day on 27th February from 10am – 11.30am or 2pm – 3.30pm and place can be booked here. If you have any questions for their Admissions Team, including the range of scholarships available, they can be reached on 01237 426200 or by email at admissions@kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk
Wishing you all a good weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)