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Oct 13, 2023

Tickets are still available for the Halloween Discos tonight. Please contact the office before 4.30pm to get one.

Our House captains have launched our House Photography Competition once again and the theme this year is Rebuilding. The theme can be interpreted however you like and entries will also be submitted to the Rotary Club Young Photographer competition.  Entries by 1st November emailed to or a printed version handed in to the office.

Any donations of dried or tinned food and fruit and veg as part of our harvest can be left with the school office staff and we will arrange for it to be used by Harbour Bideford. Harbour Bideford support homelessness in the Bideford area.

We have been contacted by a local Toy Bank charity that helps families finding it difficult to pay for Christmas presents for their children. If you would like more information please contact We are familiar with this charity before and please be reassured that all enquiries are treated respectfully and with discretion.

We are exploring the possibility of providing cooked lunches for children in years 3,4,5&6. If you have not already completed the survey helping us to understand the demand and viability of providing this service, please click here to do so. Thank you.

Around 50% of children will experience sleep problems. Please click here for information and a helpline for support.

Wishing you all a super weekend and please read on to find out what has been happening in each class.

Diary Dates

  • Halloween disco 5-6pm reception and years 1&2, 6.30-7.30pm years 3-6 Friday 13th October. Tickets £3 STILL AVAILABLE from the school office
  • Christmas fair 3.30-5pm, Friday 8th December, bottom playground
  • Tuesday 24th October, 2,30-4pm at Round House Halloween crafting aimed at 5-8 year olds. Please click here for more information.
  • Open to all parents, carers and grandparents is a baby and toddler group at St Mary’s church hall, Appledore, every Monday morning 10am-12pm. Please click here for more information.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Oct 6, 2023

Whole school attendance is above our 96% aspiration and thank you for ensuring your child is in good attendance habits. Please click here for the latest school attendance letter for more detail.

Please click here to find out about events at Instow Village Hall including a Bake Off competition, Adult Halloween Disco and an Instow Memories Evening.

Our visiting music tuition teacher has availability for keyboard, guitar, clarinet, ukulele or recorder lessons. Lessons are 20 minutes and cost £45 per half term. Please contact Jane on 07938840193 if interested.

Diary Dates

  • Dolphins and Turtles Harvest Festival, 2.30pm, Tuesday 17th October, our school hall. Relatives welcome.
  • Year 1&2 Harvest Festival, 2.30pm, Friday 20th October, our school hall. Relatives welcome.
  • Year 3-6 Harvest Festival,  2pm, Tuesday 10th October, St Mary’s Church. Relatives of year 3-6 children welcome
  • FOAS AGM 7pm, Wednesday 11th October, school art studio
  • Halloween disco 5-6pm reception and years 1&2, 6.30-7.30pm years 3-6 Friday 13th October. Tickets £3 on sale in the playground next week.
  • Christmas fair 3.30-5pm, Friday 8th December, bottom playground


Wishing you all an enjoyable and unusually warm weekend!

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Oct 5, 2023

The programme of races has begun, but it’s not to late to enter for the remaining races. Please click here to find out how to enter and please contact the school if you want to borrow a school running vest.  Well done to those who have already run.

Sep 29, 2023

Another busy week draws to a close and a week that has included visiting authors from the book festival, a trip to find out about sustainability in supermarket, lots of rehearsing for harvest festivals and a surprise visit from a theatre group. Please read the full post to find out what has been happening in all the classes.

Please ensure your children have a PE kit in school. Unfortunately, a significant number of children do not have their kit at school. A large proportion of those without a PE kit are in years 5 and 6

Holiday club is running at school over the October half term and places are available. It will be running Monday to Friday and full days, half days and breakfast and late pickups available. Please contact for more information.

Diary Dates

  • Dolphins and Turtles Harvest Festival, 2.30pm, Tuesday 17th October, our school hall
  • Year 1&2 Harvest Festival, 2.30pm, Friday 20th October, our school hall
  • Year 3-6 Harvest Festival,  2pm, Tuesday 10th October, St Mary’s Church. Relatives of year 3-6 children welcome
  • FOAS AGM 7pm, Wednesday 11th October, school art studio
  • Halloween disco 5-6pm reception and years 1&2, 6.30-7.30pm years 3-6 Friday 13th October. Tickets £3 on sale in the playground next week.
  • Christmas fair 3.30-5pm, Friday 8th December, bottom playground


Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Sep 22, 2023

The North Devon Cross Country League races are fast approaching. These very well organised races are open to children and adults of all abilities and are a great way for your children to burn off any excess energy (particularly if that is needed at the weekend!). They certainly appeal to those who enjoy mud.  More information can be found by clicking here. Please be aware that registration for the first race is now and if you want to register as running under Appledore School please let school know and you can borrow one of our running vests.

Thank you to Book Relief UK for a substantial money donation to help us with the continual restocking of our library. Thank you to those of you who donated clothes that resulted in us raising over £200.

Please click here for a QR code with very helpful parent guides for many aspects of internet safety.

Diary Dates

  • Get your crabbing buckets at the ready! Appledore pirates crabbing competition in association with Appledore Book Festival returns this Saturday 23rd September !! Team registration opens at 11am from the Pirates gazebo on The Quay The competition will run from 11:30am -12:30pm, teams can be any size BUT must use NO MORE than 4 STANDARD lines (no nets allowed!!) and an entry fee of £5 per team is required Crabbing for the competition will only be permitted from the quayside, not the slipway or steps and remember it’s size that counts! We’re looking for the team with the 3 BIGGEST crabs NOT the most caught with a special bonus prize for the biggest overall crab caught The Appledore Pirates will be marshalling the Quayside to ensure that it is a fair event for all. Everyone welcome
  • Year 1&2 Harvest Festival, 2.30pm, Friday 20th October, our school hall
  • Year 3-6 Harvest Festival,  2pm, Tuesday 10th October, St Mary’s Church. Relatives of year 3-6 children welcome
  • Parents Evenings are being organised, so please keep an eye out for communication from school on how and when to book

Wishing you all a super weekend

Best wishes

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Sep 15, 2023

The first full week back is often a tiring one for the children, so hopefully they (and you!) will all have a good night’s sleep. But the prize for the most tired is likely to go to year 6 and their accompanying staff who return from their week long residential trip today. Well done year 6 and thank you to the staff who volunteer to work significantly longer hours during a residential.

Promoting and achieving good attendance habits is vital for children and the NHS has provided a helpful guide if you are unsure if you child is too ill for school. Please click here for the link to information and if you are unsure please call school. Pease be reassured if you do send your child and they turn out to be too unwell or deteriorate we will call you. Please inform us of any changes to your contact details.

Appledore Book Festival is hosting a free family fun day on Saturday 16th September. For more information click here.

There is now a gazebo in the car park for you to leave bags of used and no longer needed clothes.

For information about a Free Kids tennis Party at ARC (Atlantic Racquet Centre), Bideford on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September please click here.

Wishing you all a super weekend and as per usual please read on to find out what has been going on in each class this week.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Sep 8, 2023

Welcome back everyone and welcome to Appledore School all our new families! A very busy week and the children have settled very well (and dealt with the weather very well too!)

Thank you to FOAS (Friends of Appledore School) for the amazing Matilda themed float at Appledore Carnival that won the cup.  If you are interested in becoming involved with FOAS and helping to raise money for the school, please contact the school office on and we will forward your details to the committee.

Please click here to view term dates for this year and for the 2024-2025 academic year. An email was sent out yesterday with an attachment detailing what each class will be learning this term. Additional copies are available here Overview Dolphins, Overview Year 1, Overview Year 2, Overview Year 3, Overview Year 4, Overview Year 5 and Overview Year 6.

Please keep an eye out for a gazebo in the school car park where you can leave bags of clothes you no longer need. A company collects these and then gives money  to FOAS based on the weight of clothes collected. I believe last year this raised over £250 for the school, so please donate if you can. last day for donating is 9am Tuesday 19th September. For more information please click here.

FOAS has also arranged collecting used printer ink cartridges and there is a box on the front desk in the main building for these.

On he bottom playground is a rail of second hand school clothes for you. Please help yourself and if you have any to donate to the rail please drop them into the office. Small donations for any clothes you take are welcome, but of course are not a necessity.

Bideford Rugby Club are hosting an Open Day for children to come and try out the game, even if they have never tried it before! They are looking for primary school from Year 2 to Year 6 to try out some games run by our Club Coaches and this is an ideal time for them to come along and see what it is all about. It’s all free and they also have 3 free trial training sessions too!  For more information please click here

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

PS – Please read on or click more to find out what has been happening in each class this week (more…)

Jul 21, 2023

…that we really should share

If all the World were… 

If all the World were anguish
I would use a golden ticket of happiness that leads you to a place of joy.

If all the World were miseries
I would create a vibrant photo of peace that takes you on an exciting adventure of memories.

If all the World were grief
I would wear a pair of exquisite roller skates that make you feel like you are floating in black space.

If all the World were pain
I would read a unique book of memories that gives dreams you will never forget.

If all the World were despair
I would squeeze a teddy bear of amazement that hits you with joy.

L (aged 8)


Jul 21, 2023

What a week and did we relax? No we didn’t! Please read the class bulletins later in this newsletter to find out what has been going on in each class that include: a trip to a castle; a day of fun at the Wake Park; a sports festival at ARC; swimming at Skern lodge and rugby, cricket and football in school to name but a few.

For information on summer cricket camps being held at Bideford Cricket Club please click here and for family adventurous activities in this area please click here.

School holidays are typically a time of increased technology and internet use by children. Please check the parental controls you have in place and talk to your children about the importance of online safety, notably: not sharing personal information online; communicating with people they know and letting you know if something has happened that has made them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. For a parent guide on a new app proving popular amongst children, W App, please click here.

Please remember that the first day back for children is Tuesday 5th September and have a lovely summer everybody. The very best of luck to everyone moving on to a new school and we look forward to welcoming everybody else, including those new to the school, in September for another busy school year.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jul 12, 2023

As one parent quite rightly pointed out to me this week, ‘…that’ll learn you for saying manning the school fair bouncy castle for two hours is more stressful than any Ofsted inspection’ I can now confirm it to be true, because Ofsted visited us Tuesday and Wednesday! Whilst we can not share the actual outcome just yet (due to Ofsted’s internal validation system required for every inspection), what we can share is that we are very happy with the outcome that reflects all the hard work of the staff and children. As soon as the report is officially available we will share it with you – likely to be in September. Thank you to those who completed the survey and/or spoke to the inspectors.

Well done to all year 6 pupils and all the staff across the whole school who have taught them for their end of Key Stage 2 SATs results. We received them on Tuesday and they are the best results the school has ever received and the best I have seen in over twenty years of teaching.

Two very funny and two well acted performances of I’m an 11 Year Old Get Me Out of Here by year 6 to the whole school and their parents. Fabulous crowd participation and I’ve never seen grown men so terrified as they were dragged onto the stage by the pupils to take part in ‘trials’!

Today many children are participating in our school site Bioblitz. This entails identifying the range of biodiversity on our site so we can track over time how it is changing as a result of what we are doing in our various eco activities within our school grounds. The pond continues to take shape with it now extended and fully lined and the decking is nearly complete. Big thanks to Lucy, Jon, Alex, year 6 and everyone else involved.

Dadfest, 22-24th September, is a dads and children only weekend with numerous activities included (eg bush craft, archery, fishing, circus skills and much more). For more information click here and for information about the Appledore Library summer reading challenge please click here.

To avoid disappointment, it is very important that current year 5 parents understand the application process for secondary schools and you an explanation is available by clicking here. The window for applying opens at the start of September and closes at the end of October.  

As summer approaches, please click here for some useful online safety advice to show your children.

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jul 10, 2023

A HUGE thank you to the pond volunteers (Reggie, Stanley, Jon, Cassie and Lucy) who came in this weekend to continue with the renovation of the pond. This week the area was cleared and the base built for the pond dipping platform.

Jul 7, 2023

We welcome Hannah Walters as our new manager for our out of hours club (AOOSC). Miss Davies, a qualified teacher known to our current Turtles and Dolphins in her current role as teaching assistant, will be half of a job share in the nursery element of our Foundation Stage Unit with Miss Olliffe who is reducing her hours from September.

Whilst all of their unions have called for strike action, once again, and despite the likelihood of them agreeing with the reasons for the strike action, all our teachers have taken the decision not to strike. I thank the teachers for putting the immediate needs of the children first to ensure our school remains open so there is no disruption to any child’s learning.

End of year reports for Turtles and Dolphins have been distributed for all children. If you have not received your report please let the school office know on Reports for Years 1 -6 were made available in your child’s Google Classroom. Please click here for a guide on how to access it if your child does not remember how to access their Google Classroom. If you have specific questions about your child’s report please email to arrange a conversation with their class teacher.

The recording of the online safety workshop for parents by Devon CC safeguarding team is available to view by clicking here. It is a very helpful guide to support parents with ensuring their child’s activity online is safe and is available to view until 5pm on Friday 21st July.

This summer, ARC (Atlantic Racquets Centre, Bideford) are offering a brand new Multi Sport Holiday Camp. This will be running Monday-Friday every week of the school holidays. The Camp will run 9am-4pm, with a late pick up option 4pm-6pm. There will be a variety of sports and games played throughout the day. To book, please visit

Mrs McMorine, deputy headteacher and attendance lead, has produced this month’s attendance bulletin that is available here. please do all you can to ensure your child attends school – even one day missed has an impact on your child’s learning due to the sequential nature of a school’s curriculum.

For current year 4 and 5 pupils Park School are holding an Open Evening on Thursday 21st September and their Open Days run from 25th September to 29th September. Parents can book on their website here –The Park Community School Open Events 2023.

Thank you to Friends of Appledore School (FOAS) for organising today’s summer fair.

Wishing you all a good weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jun 30, 2023

We have booked a live online safety parent workshop on Monday 3rd July at 5pm delivered by Devon County Council Safeguarding Team. You can log in from your own device by clicking here or view it in our school hall on a big screen. It will last for approximately one and a half hours and we have deliberately scheduled it just before the summer holidays when children typically spend more time online.

Holiday club at Appledore School – will start this summer. Initially for a couple of weeks over the summer, to ascertain potential future demand in preparation for other holiday periods too. Sara Tawse, who many of you will know from Eco-Rangers and Outdoor Learning here at Appledore School, will be running the clubs with help from other familiar faces to you and the children. This summer the club will operate this summer 7th-10th August and 14-17th August and for more information click here
Appledore Summer Reading Challenge launches on Saturday 8th July 2023, and this year’s theme is Sports, promoting team spirit and getting active. It is a great opportunity to continue to engage children with reading for pleasure over the holidays. During the summer at Appledore Library there are many fun events, including theatre, Sciencedipity, Lego, crafts and the usual free stickers and books to give away. For more information please click here.
Have a lovely weekend everybody
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Jun 20, 2023

We continue to strive for our attendance target of at least 96% that would keep us in line with national averages and government expectations. Please click here to find out about our current attendance levels and please do all you can to ensure your child only misses school for exceptional circumstances or if they are too ill to come to school.  Because of the sequential nature of every unit of learning in each subject missing even one day immediately disadvantages the children.

Police and online safeguarding bodies are advising parents to be wary of the Y99 communication app that is being used as a tool for grooming young children. This week the Designated Safeguarding Lead (headteacher) and Learning Mentor attended the termly local authority safeguarding forum for updates and all staff safeguarding training this week was correct LGBTQ+ terminology.

Staff news – AOOSC manager Becky is leaving on Monday 26th June and we wish her every success with her new venture. From September Reception (Dolphins) – 6 class teachers and class teaching assistants is as follows: Reception: Mrs Bannister and Mrs Ley; Year 1 Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Monroe; Year 2 Mrs Stanbury, Mrs Stephens  and Mrs Halloway; Year 3 Miss Wetz and Mrs Hughes-Whiffing; Year 4 Miss Ellis and Miss Child; Year 5 Mrs McMorine and Mrs L Evans and Mrs S Evans and Year 6 Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Evans and Mrs Carstairs.  We are currently finalising staffing for Nursery/Turtles and will communicate this to you asap.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff (more…)

Jun 16, 2023

A super week full of activities the children have embraced with their typically exuberance, even in this heat!  Please read this posting in full to find out what has been happening in and around all the classes, including: looking after a dragon egg; drawing pictograms; composing music using the pentatonic scale; tag rugby; Northam Burrows visit; a walk to The Lookout to support writing; play rehearsals and much, much more…

This week we returned to our pre Covid restrictions drop off and pick up routines and thank you for supporting us with this.

Dates for the diary:

  • We have booked a live online safety parent workshop on Monday 3rd July at 5pm delivered by Devon County Council Safeguarding Team. You can log in from your own device by clicking here or joining us in our school hall on a big screen. It will last for approximately one and a half hours and we have deliberately scheduled it just before the summer holidays when children typically spend more time online.

Please click here for dates of free family fun activities with the Northam Burrows rangers on and around the beach and burrows over the summer holiday

Have a great weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all of the children and staff (more…)

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