Category: General

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Mar 3, 2023

A busy week and you can find out what the week has entailed for each class by clicking on more.

Well done Minty and William who both have won a prize at The Schools art Exhibition at The Burton Gallery and we hope you like the winning entries to our photography competition om the previous post.

Safeguarding training this week included a rehearsal of our safety procedures should we ever need to secure the school at short notice.

For information on free Learn Devon maths improvement courses for adults, please click here.

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Mar 3, 2023

There were some amazing photos sent in for our House Photography competition and thank you very much to everyone who joined in. The judges found it very difficult to choose their winners! These are the top four: 1st place Eben (Y5); 2nd place Barney (Y1); 3rd place Gabriel (Y2) and 4th place Rosie (Y6)


Feb 24, 2023

Welcome back everybody and please find out what has been happening in the classes the week by reading the Around the Classes section of this newsletter.

World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March To celebrate World Book Day children in FSU and KS1 can come to school dressed in pyjamas ready for a bedtime story. Children in KS2 can choose to wear pyjamas or dress as a character from a book they have read. On Friday 3rd March there will be a second hand children’s book sale in school. Proceeds will be split between fundraising for new non-fiction books and the Disasters Emergency Committee. Books will cost 20p each and children will have an opportunity to buy a book during the morning. If you have any children’s books to donate to the sale, please leave them with Mrs O’Shea.
This week staff have received safeguarding training to skill them in recognising extremist views and potential radicalisation in our community. For a parent guide please click here.

Wishing you all a happy weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Feb 10, 2023

Lot’s of messages today, before we break for half term, and please remember to click on more to find out what has been happening in and around each classroom. What is Torridge Junior Parkrun? A free, fun, and friendly weekly 2k event for juniors (4 to 14 year olds).​ When is it? It is held every Sunday at 09:00am. Where is it? The event takes place in Victoria Park, Bideford and for more information click here.

This week, staff have received safeguarding training on radicalisation: what to look for and what to do if there are concerns. For more information please click here. The previous system of sending home paper head bump letters has been replaced with an email to your first priority contact to ensure it does reach you. Getting an email does not mean it is any more severe a bump than would previously require just a letter to inform and we will continue to call immediately if we have concerns. In short, email is to let you know and a call is if we have immediate concerns.

Further to our email communication this week regarding our Healthy Value next half term, please click here to find out more. And well done to Nancy for winning our Values Cup for our whole school half term theme of being Positive.

Out House Captains have devised a photo competition for completion over half term. All children are invited to send in (physically or by email to their photos on the theme of nature. All submissions to school by the end of Monday 20th February so they can be judged by the panel of ‘experts’. Please click here for their expertly designed poster.

Please be considerate  of our neighbours living on the roads close to our school when parking you cars. We have received complaints of blocked drives and verbal abuse of residents when they have asked for cars to be removed. We continue to provide free parking permits for you to use the Oden Road car park and these can be obtained from the school office.

World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March To celebrate World Book Day children in FSU and KS1 can come to school dressed in pyjamas ready for a bedtime story. Children in KS2 can choose to wear pyjamas or dress as a character from a book they have read. On Friday 3rd March there will be a second hand children’s book sale in school. Proceeds will be split between fundraising for new non-fiction books and the Disasters Emergency Committee. Books will cost 20p each and children will have an opportunity to buy a book during the morning. If you have any children’s books to donate to the sale, please leave them with Mrs O’Shea.
In partnership with The North Devon Biosphere and the Pledge for Nature Project, Kingsley School is hosting a Community Action Tree Planting morning on Saturday 4th March from 10am till noon, meeting at the main entrance of Kingsley School. Everyone is very welcome and please come dressed in your wellies.
Have a lovely half term and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 20th February
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


Feb 3, 2023

It’s been quite a week! From bewildered nurses in Year 1 (I’m not sure they were fully prepared for 30 very excited children) to a visiting theatre group entertaining the whole school yesterday (thank you Friends of Appledore School (renamed PTA) for making that happen), and not forgetting squeezed in between such events was our Year 5&6 girls football team winning a local tournament. That’s just a taster of what has been happening all week, so please read the whole post to see what has been happening Around the Classes.

Have a lovely weekend everybody

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 27, 2023

there has been lot’s going on in and around the classes, so please click on ‘more’ to find out more…

Diary Dates:

  • Bag2School will be collecting from Appledore School on 21st February 2023. Please bring your bag (or bags!) to the School Car park by 9am and help us have a really good collection.  Not only helping to safe the planet bur raising money for the school too!
  • Sports Dayfor Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May
Outdoor learning has gathered pace this term and included developing plans to improve the pond area in our woodland. Please click on ‘more’ below to read about what is happening with this fun exciting development! We still have a few spaces left on our Tuesday and Thursday afterschool clubs, so please email the office if you are interested.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff.


Year 6, Rose the Ranger from the burrows and Jack from North Devon Biosphere have been working with Sarah on  improving the area for wildlife and accessibility for the children to use as an outdoor learning resource. Northam Town council have also given money along with the original funding from the ANOB to re-line the pond, create a decked dipping platform and viewing area and lots of tree planting to include and enhance for a traditional Devon bank hedgerow. Big thanks to all involved, the PTFA and the amazing plans and designs from Year 6 which will be displayed in the hall and on the Apple Tree Initiative website. It’s Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend and eco rangers and ambassadors have been working to enhance the woodland area for birds – which include a hide, bird boxes (kindly donated to the school) and bird feeders. Some of the year 1’s and 2’s have been making feeders to support winter feeding birds in their gardens and parks. You can take part in the RSPB’s big garden bird watch by following the link-

This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have continued to learn about Chinese New Year. We have looked at how people celebrate the festival. We have also looked at where China is in the world and what is unique to China, we then compared this to Appledore. On Tuesday we made Chinese dumplings and they were delicious. Today we visited the library in Appledore to change our library books.

In Sea Lions (Year 1)  this week we have carried on our Science experiment and found that the bread that grew the most mould was the bread that we touched with dirty hands. We have been thinking about why this is and have come to the conclusion it’s because of all the germs we had on our hands. Now we are being extra careful to clean our hands! In Maths this week we have been ordering numbers to 20 from smallest to greatest as well as greatest to smallest. In Writing we have started a new book: No-bot the Robot with no Bottom. So far we have read the book and thought of actions to help us remember it. We have also thought of other animals that might have found his bottom and what they could have used it for!

This week, Year 2 have been learning about multiplication in Maths. They have been making equal groups and learning to use the multiplication symbol: x. In Year 2, children need to know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by heart, so please look out for some games coming soon on Google Classroom to help you practise at home. In English, they have been working hard to improve their handwriting and sentence writing. Well done everyone for the effort you are putting in. In their topic work, they learned a bit more about Grace Darling and tried to answer the question: Why did she carry out the rescue? In Science, they found out about the different stages of the human lifecycle: baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and talked about what humans are able to do at each stage. This will link to their outdoor learning session on Monday where they will find out about some animal life cycles. At the time of writing, they are looking forward to their outdoor learning session on Friday morning, where they will be taking part in activities inspired by the Big Garden Birdwatch taking place this weekend. If you’d like to take part at home or find out more information, please take a look here:

Seahunter (Year 3) have had a fantastic week. In English, we finished writing our biographies on different famous people. All of the children worked so hard to research their chosen person, and then we thought carefully about how we were going to order all of the facts and then focused on using exciting sentence starters to make our biographies interesting to read. In guided reading, we have started reading an adventure book called ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. To help us understand some of the vocabulary in this book, this week we learned all about Norse mythology and read about some of the Viking gods. In science, we have continued learning all about the bones in our bodies and we made our own bionic hands to show how the muscles and bones work together to enable us to move.

Year 3 performed their tableaux which dramatically retold the story of Noah and the Ark. In music, they finalized their graphic scores and chose appropriate musical instruments on which to play the piece. In French, they updated their phrasebooks with the latest vocabulary – the days of the week. Year 4 designed happy Eid cards and looked at the festival of Eid ul Adha. They continued with their whole class ensemble teaching in music and are beginning to recognize G, A and B on the stave. Year 5 looked at Christian songs and found hymns that reference God being Holy and Loving. Year 6 explored the Big Bang theory and contrasted this scientific explanation of creation with the version in the Bible. They also continued with their whole class ensemble teaching and can now play a range of notes on the recorder and follow a simple score accurately. In French years 4, 5 and 6 matched descriptions of the weather to symbols representing that weather condition.

This week in HMS Echo (Year 4) we have been learning all about the different roles and jobs people had in 1918, and how people came together to help with rationing. We’ve also been working on our Values work – we had a live session on Tuesday about “What makes me ME?” which made the children reflect on what makes them unique and how being unique is great. In English, the children have done a fantastic job at writing a story about ‘Jack and the Daydream’ or something similar, now the children need to plan their very own story in the style of the book we’re reading – I’m looking forward to reading them! In Maths, we’ve been looking at division this week, and what it means to have a remainder. Towards the end of the week, in Science, we are going to look at pictures of animals, particularly their teeth, and see if we can identify whether they’re a carnivore, herbivore, or even an omnivore.

Year 5 in literacy have been learning about the key features of explanation texts in preparation for children writing an explanation text about their inventions. In maths we have been securing our multiplication strategies. We joined the live Winter Watch live lesson and found out about food chains and bird feeders in preparation for today’s RSPB schools big bird count to enter the data on a national database.

Year 6 have learnt about adaption in science this week; studying the way animal and plants change in some way (over a long period of time) to be better suited to the environment in which they live. We have begun to learn about a man who is credited for saving more lives than anyone else with a major medical discovery. We are continuing to read ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman and are writing a balanced argument about xenotransplantation in literacy. It has been interesting to think about both sides of the argument and have heard some fascinating facts and opinions. We have started an algebra topic in maths and have formed our own expressions and formulae.

Jan 20, 2023

Please be aware that on the days scheduled by teacher unions for strike action (1st February and 2nd, 15th and 16th March) school will be open for business as per usual with all the usual staff.

Devon County Council have offered advice on how to stay safe during very cold weather that can be found here.

Thank you Friends of Appledore School (rebranded and reformed PTA) for funding a travelling theatre visit on the 2nd of February from the proceeds of the disco and Christmas Fair, performing to the lower school and upper school two different performances.

Please click on ‘more’ to find out what has been happening in and around the classes.

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 13, 2023

First five day week completed in 2023 and there has been so much going on – much of it outside whatever the weather as our outdoor learning provision continues to expand! Please click on more to find out what has been happening in and around the classes this week.

During February half term Carol Anne Netball Club (Barnstaple) are holding a netball camp for girls in Years 3&4 (click here) and Chivenor Soccer School are holding football camps (click here).

If your child is playing Roblox please continue to monitor it closely because children are being encouraged to self harm on this gaming platform.  This week the staff have received safeguarding training on recognising the different types of abuse and how to respond. For more information please click here.

If you are feeling stressed, anxious, are experiencing ongoing low mood, or are having difficulty sleeping, the NHS can help. TALKWORKS is a free and confidential NHS talking therapy service, here to help anyone over the age of 18 living in Devon, improve their mental and physical wellbeing. TALKWORKS therapists will work with you, by providing a variety of tools and techniques, to help get your life back on track, so that you can feel like yourself once again. Treatment and support includes: one-to-one sessions with a therapist; group therapy sessions; wellbeing workshops and access to online self-help. You do not need a referral from a GP to access TALKWORKS’ services, you can refer yourself online or over the phone. For more information on the different treatment options and therapy services, please visit the TALKWORKS website or call 0300 555 3344.

Have a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Jan 5, 2023

Welcome back and a very happy New year to you all. We hope you had an enjoyable break, free from all the illnesses circulating, and you have kept to your New Year’s resolutions! In assembly earlier this week we discussed New Year’s resolutions and this link has some interesting suggestions for children.

This week staff have safeguarding training related to contextual safeguarding and the staff training focus of Tuesday’s non-pupil day was further curriculum improvement and development.

Any early posting of the newsletter this week because tomorrow involves a trip to the Roman baths in Bath. Please click on more to find out what has been happening in your children’s classes and for class specific information.

Wishing you all a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 16, 2022

What a week, what a term and what an amazing run of nativity performances with the curtain coming down on our term curtesy of Key Stage 2 (years 3-6) and Miss Carr performing Squeak at St Mary’s Church today! Thank you to everybody involved.

Last week we gave you a digital parenting guide and this week we have a comprehensive go to one page document with advice and warnings. Please take a look here before your children have more time on their hands to be safe online this holiday. The following links are for interactive activities for children aged 4-7, 8-10 and 11-18 to do to support them being safe whilst online this Christmas and beyond. They are from a reputable organisation called CEOPS and there is a section dedicated to parents.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email with as much information as you can. If the child is at immediate risk call the police on 999.

Please click on ‘more’ to find out what has been happening in all the classes this week. Happy Christmas to you all and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 4th January

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Dec 13, 2022

First prize goes to Roaslie and Fran, second to Ella and third to Alice


Dec 9, 2022

A week full of Christmas nativities and we’re not finished yet!  Please click ‘more’ below for dates for your diary and to find out what has been going on around the school. We hope to see you this afternoon from 3.30pm at the Christmas Fair.

With tech possibly/probably high on Christmas lists, please click here for a useful digital parenting guide for advice on how to ensure your child’s devices and use of are safe. It is from a commercial company there is much very useful advice included.

A tableful of bakes for our House Bake Off and the winners are: joint first, so 75 house points each, goes to Rosalie and Fran for their joint entry of Santa’s Grotto; second prize of 100 house points goes to Ella for her penguin cake and third prize of 50 house points to Alice for her cup cakes. 10 house points to those who named their cakes: Arthur, Cecily, Amelie, Lyla, Joshy, Sam, Molly, James, Harry and Rosie. All cakes on sale at the Christmas Fair this afternoon.

There are lots of bugs going around school today and we must be aware of an increase in Scarlet Fever and invasive Group A strep. Please click here for symptom and absence requirements for scarlet fever, impetigo and strep throat and click here for more comprehensive guidance from UK Health Security.

KS2 (y3-6) Christmas production of Squeak is progressing well for its showing in Appledore Church in the afternoon of the last day of term. For those requiring costume (they know if they do), please can they be brought in to school no later than Monday. Most children will just need a colourful jumper, such as a Christmas one, without modern brands/logos please.

Have a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Nov 30, 2022

If last week signaled the start of Christmas in school with the sound of festive rehearsing for all our coming celebrations (see dates listed below), the wearing of Christmas jumpers today and hanging of the Christmas hoops in our main corridor certainly cemented the festive excitement! If you haven’t seen the hoops in our main corridor please do come inside and have a look. They are quite special! 

An impressive £289.47p was raised in our poppy appeal. Thank you for supporting this extremely worthy cause.

We wish you all a super weekend and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible here for the events next week, including the Christmas Fair on Friday. 3.30p-6pm.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

PS – Please click on ‘more’ for dates for your diary and to find out what has been happening in and around all the classes. (more…)

Nov 25, 2022

Two timely seasonal reminders are the first showing of the John Lewis Christmas advert and the sounds and sights of nativity rehearsals in school. Both are now upon us and so the magic of Christmas begins! Please see below the dates for the various nativities and services and we hope to see you there.

An impressive £260 raised by you for the worth Children in Need appeal. Thank you.

If you are aged 18, living in North Devon and struggling with low mood, anxiety, stress or sleep difficulties NHS support is available. TALKWORKS is a free-to-access NHS service for adults. If you feel you are in a mental health crisis and need an urgent response please contact the First Response Service on 0808 196 8708, your GP, NHS 111 or Mental Health Matters on 0800 4700 317.

This week staff have safeguarding training on harmful sexual behaviours. This NSPCC link includes information for parents.

Please click on more to find out what has been happening in all the classes and we wish you all a lovely weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff

Diary dates:

  • Turtles and Dolphins nativity Tuesday 6th December 2.30pm and 6pm
  • Years 1&2 nativity Wednesday 7th December 2.30pm and 6pm
  • Christmas Fair Friday 9th December 3.30pm-6pm
  • Christmas lunch Wednesday 14th December
  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church, 2pm
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May


Nov 18, 2022

A super week that finished with our older children taking their learning into our woodland. For a flavour of the activities the children are experiencing from our new Outdoor Learning provision, please click here. Please click on ‘more’ to find out what else has been happening in and around all the classes and for reminders or notifications relevant to your child’s class.

Our term dates for the 2023-2024 school year are now available and our draft admissions policy for 2024 is published for consultation.

The safeguarding focus for this week was bullying. The children attended an assembly on this topic and will return to it a number of times over the year as apart of their Values curriculum. Staff also received training and please click here for information for parents from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Diary dates:

  • Years 3-6 Christmas Service Friday 16th December at St Mary’s Church, 2pm
  • Sports Day for Dolphins and years 1-6  is scheduled for Tuesday 23rd May


Wishing you all a super weekend.

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff (more…)

Website by Cosmic