
Newsletter for week ending 7th October
7 October 2016

Please read on to find out about the Halloween Disco, NSPCC and Around the Classes…

Halloween Disco is Friday 21st October
Please read the news article to find out more about it if you didn’t receive the letter this week.

NSPCC Assemblies
On Tuesday 11th October the NSPCC will be visiting the school to deliver two assemblies, one for Key Stage 1 and one for Key Sage 2, to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse. Details will be sent home this week with your child and a copy of that letter is available here.

Harvest Festival Dates – all welcome
Wednesday 19th FSU, 2pm , School Hall
Thursday 20th KS2, 2pm, St Mary’s Church
Friday 21st October, 2.30pm, School Hall
All non-perishable food donations we receive will be donated to the Bideford Harbour food bank for the homeless. Thank you for your support.

Book Jacket Competition
Well done Kizzey and Martha for winning the Book Jacket Competition with their stunning artwork and explanations of why they love the books Rat Burger abd Little Mermaid respectively. Kizzey also won ‘Best in Show’ and their work is displayed at the Goodwin Gallery at Brannams until 15th October. There is also a short video on Facebook:

Around the Classes

This week FSU have been finding out about nocturnal animals (or ‘octurnal’ as some of us were calling it!) We have made bat shadow puppets and mice finger puppets and created fact files about the different animals we have learnt about. We had great fun using clay to make hedgehogs. We really enjoyed our visit to the Library to change our books.

Year 1 have all now written our final piece for our class book – what do you do with a tail like this? We wrote our first drafts, then edited them and finally wrote them up in our neatest writing. We now simply need to assemble all the different pieces of writing before the book will be added to our book corner. In maths we have been practising our number bonds to 10. We have played lots of games to help us with this. Including finding partners with a number card that works with our own to make 10 and the ‘Frogs under a Log’ game. We have also learnt about odd and even numbers. We have sorted the dominos and put them all in order from least to most amount of spots and we have played addition connect four. In Art we have had a second attempt at drawing tigers. We all had a first attempt last week. This week we looked at photos of tigers and then thought of how to improve our pictures. We partnered up and helped our partners think of ways to improve their drawings. We have also done some collage work with Kay, collaging animals to go in Noah’s Ark.

Lundy Puffins have this week been writing about superheroes. They thought hard about their special powers and what they wear. They used this information to write a page for a class book about superheroes. Next week they will be writing about animals and using the information they found out for homework. In Maths, they have moved on to adding and completed an investigation in to the possible totals they could make from two dice. Number bonds to 10 and 20 have been investigated and they will continue to use this knowledge next week. Just a reminder that it is our trip to Exmoor Zoo on Thursday, so please be in school for 8.45am.

Seahunter worked hard on collage work for our school gallery this week. They thought about the type of learner they are and wrote statements such as ‘I and resilient’. They then painted and villages with tissue paper to make a background that represents them, using colours, shapes and symbols. Finally they cut out a black and white photo of their head and placed it on the background with their statements to produce some lovely work that represents them as a person. Some will be in the corridor gallery, the rest will be in the classroom for viewing!

HMS Echo have been busy editing their stories based on Leon and the Place Between this week and have now begun publishing them. In Maths, they have been practising column addition adding 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. In Science, they have been learning about the different types of teeth and importantly, how to look them. Practising has begun for the KS2 Harvest Festival. They are looking forward to the Multi Sklls event tomorrow for fingers crossed for a dry afternoon.

After dressing as Tudors last week, Year 5 have enjoyed looking at their photos and starting to create a non fiction text to educate others about life as a Tudor. In maths we have played various games to secure our understanding of place value and literacy we have written out Haiku poems for Project 65. We ran out of time to carry out our science experiements so we will do this next week – any take away boxes you have will be greatly received (thank you to all those who have brought in boxes and materials for us to test so far). We are also looking forward to meeting the author Tamsin Cooke as part of Appledore Book Festival, next week.

Year 6 have been on residential at Heatree House, Dartmoor, and we will no doubt hear all about it next week..!
Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,
Jeremy Cooper and all of the staff

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