
Newsletter for the weekending 8th February
8 February 2019

Another very busy week in school, not least our kiln working overtime firing numerous pieces as part of our focus on scul[pture this half term. Please read on to find out what has been happening in and around all the classes…

Dates for the Diary – PTA run events

Friday 8th March, Quiz and bingo night for adults (parents, relatives, friends…). Time tbc. Details to foloww.
Friday 29th March, children’s Easter bingo. 3.30-4.30pm. Details to follow.
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.
Wednesday 5th June, sports day. Races for Y1-Y6 9:30am-12pm, lunch for all children and parents 12pm-1pm and afternoon activities for Reception to Y6 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Wednesday 12th June, reserve day for sports day (if bad weather 5th June)
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.


Ever Thought of Teaching?
Are you inmterested in becoming a primary teacher? Our school works in partnership with DPSCITT to train new teachers and there is an open evening between 5.30 and 6.30pm on 7th February 2019 at Newport Community School Primary Academyin Barnstaple.


Cross Country
Last week ended with our runners entering a cross country meet at Kingsley School. We took a small (ie a minibus full!) team of runners who turned in amazing runs with us securing a number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements across years 3-4, including a first and second in one category. Great work runners and only one shoe came off in the boggy wetland through the trees!

Sculpture has been the focus of our art this half term and some amzing pieces have been created, soon to be on display in our main corridor


This week in FSU we have continued with the medical theme and found out about Doctors. We changed our role play areas to Doctors Surgeries and Hospitals and have had great fun helping to look after each other including us adults! We had a visit from Doctor Brummitt on Wednesday and asked him a lot of questions. We also started to think about where some of our internal organs are and drew them on to a body – we had some interesting ideas! We have also made bone shapes out of mod roc for our sculpture display in the main corridor and created the funny bones skeletons using black paper and art straws.

This week in Year 1 Mr McGrath has been teaching us about wombats, we have recorded facts in a wombat fact file. He also taught us how to make singular words into plural, and how to add suffixes and prefixes to words. In Maths we have been looking at place value with numbers up to 50. We have partitioned numbers into tens and ones and we have counted objects by grouping them into tens. In Science we have discussed what we know about the Seasons and thought about what causes them. We also took part in the BBC Live Lesson, where we learnt how to get started with their 500 words competition.

This week in Maths, Lundy Puffins have been learning about division and will continue with this next week. In English, they are reading a new book about Chinese New Year and were able to celebrate New Year on Tuesday when one of the children shared some treats. They also had a go at writing their name in Chinese and made some lanterns. In the Art Studio, they have painted their elephant heads and these will be ready for displaying by the end of next week. In P4C last week, they read the book: Jamil’s Clever Cat and discussed the question ‘is it ever ok to lie?’ This week they read the book Wonder and had a discussion about how we should respect each other and our differences.

This week, Seahunter have worked hard on addition skills in Maths, using column addition t solve problems. In English, they have been working with Miss Knill on planning their own Caribbean themed stories and learning how to use speech punctuation effectively. Their story plans look great so we are looking forward to the final products! In philosophy we thought about how we feel when something is challenging and we are tempted to give in. We looked at a picture of a boy who was worried about his work and answered the question, ‘how is he feeling and why?’ We then collected together advice that we would offer him to create a poster for our classroom.

This week in Maths, HMS Echo have been solving worded multiplication problems using the methods we have been learning, and have also started to look at partitioning to divide and using the bus stop method to divide. In Literacy, the children have planned and written up their own explanation texts ready to publish next week. We have also been focusing on our use of vocabulary looking at using interesting verbs in our writing. In Art, we have been manipulating terracotta clay to make Roman oil lamps. For Philosophy, we watched a clip from ‘Shrek’ and discussed our big question ‘Why did Shrek not even try to be Donkey’s friend?’

This week we have started to create planets in art, using oil pastels, following the style of a famous artist Joe Van Wetering. We had to cut a circle and then stick it onto black paper so that we could colour the planet in without needing to be really accurate. In English, we have written up our explanations about the contraptions we made, working really hard on using new vocabulary. During maths, we have started a new unit on measurements. Some of us have started solving/explaining problems involving measurements such as centilitres, millilitres, litres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. Make sure your children are practising their times tables as there is an upcoming Rock Stars competition after half-term. We have the Fire Service in today for a talk so we hope to share some safety tips.

This week, year six have taken part in a 500 word BBC Live Lesson in which we wrote the start of our story, hazards, clothes and object, the character’s name was and other things like that. Also, we have done our ten minute tests at the start of our numeracy sessions to help us with SATS revision. In literacy, we have finished our work on Antarctic explorers and made books on five different people- which are on display-so we are moving onto work on The Highwayman. For art, we have made hand sculptures and threw paint on them to look like Jackson Pollock’s style. Now, we have also introduced sea sculptures of fish, starfish and shells. Reporter: Isabella

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