Newsletter for the week ending Friday 27th May
NEWSFLASH! House Cross Country results are in…Atlantic (green) 163, Indian (yellow) 165, Arctic (blue) 168 and Pacific (red) 193. Congratulations to Pacific House!
Such a lovely end of the half term this week and today! Earlier in the week we had over 60 children rock pooling on the beach and a visit from Northam Mayor, to present the children with their jubilee medals, and today has included: a coronation in our Foundation Stage Unit; presenting the our Values Cup to a very Positive member of our year 1 class in front of his mum; cricket coaching on the school field and our house cross country competition in the afternoon – we can’t underestimate the impact of the return of many of the important aspects of school life we previously took for granted. And all with the sun out too!
On Wednesday 8th June 2022 the team from Atlantic Racquet Centre will be in school to share digital tennis assembly and fun tennis taster session for all children in Reception & Years 1 – 3. They’re here to promote their SUPER FREE TENNIS WEEKEND on Sat 11th and Sun 12th June. The centre is open all weekend for families to try tennis for FREE and take advantage of some great offers on beginner tennis courses during the summer. For more info visit
We wish you all a super half term break and look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 8th June.
From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have been celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. We have found out about the Queen and her family and linked this back to our London topic. We have found how long she has been Queen. We have made flags, crowns and drawn pictures of the Queen. We made sandwiches and cakes and today we had our very own street party. Please see the website for some photos. The children have also received a medal from the Northam Mayor to celebrate the Jubilee.
Year 1 have had a very exciting week! On Monday we went to see Dolphins with our E-Safety posters and taught them all about how to stay safe online. We took it in turns to speak and tell Dolphins facts and then answered some of their questions. On Tuesday we had our school trip with Year 2 to the beach! We went rock pooling, did a scavenger hunt, a litter pick and got to look around the visitors centre. We loved speaking to the rangers and finding out more about the creatures we found in the rockpools. In our Topic lessons we wrote a recap of our trip and then explained some of the materials we found whilst doing our litter pick. In Literacy we have started making our own ‘What happens when…’ books with questions such as ‘What happens when I put my magical wellies on?’. We have loved making our answers as imaginative and funny as possible.
The highlight of the week for Lundy Puffins was the trip to Westward Ho! and Northam Burrows. They had a great time rock pooling, finding different items during a scavenger hunt on the beach, litter picking the pebble ridge, walking in the Burrows and spending time in the Visitor Centre. It was a great ending to our topic: Why do we like the seaside so much? and leads into our topic for next half term all about the history of seaside holidays. They wrote brilliant recounts of the trip. Here are some extracts: Amelia – ‘After we had put our bags in some circles, we all curved around Ranger Rose to listen to what we might find in the rock pools’. Emma – ‘Rose showed us some of the things we had found. My favourite was the male shore crab’. Barney – ‘When we arrived we were introduced to Rose. We were going on a rock pooling adventure’. Joshy – ‘I spotted 4-5 sea anemones, lots of sea snails and some limpets’. Well done for all of your hard work Lundy Puffins! Mrs Stephens, Mrs Halloway and I (Mrs Stanbury) hope you have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 8th June.

All year groups drafted a speech in French using all their vocabulary to introduce and describe themselves. We found out lots about each other! Year 3 finished their piece of drama and added some limited dialogue to their physical theatre piece. We will perform them after half term. Year 4 considered what kind of world we would have if the God that Christians believe in really did rule in everyone’s heart. They had some super ideas. Year 5 put the ending on to their dance and we managed to rehearse and perform the whole thing. It is a long, complicated dance and they worked very well. Year 6 explored the parable of the Great Feast and worked out its meaning.
This week, year 3 have been learning equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions in Maths. In English, the class have been writing about our trip last week in the style of our text: ‘A River’. In Science, the children have learnt about the process of pollination. For Topic, they have learnt that rivers can be prone to flooding and the effect this has on people who live near rivers. In P.E, the class have continued to develop their tennis and swimming skills.
HMS Echo have been incredible mathematicians this week, exploring and working with decimal numbers. They have been able to recognise and create numbers involving tenths and hundredths using images including grids and place value charts. They have been amazed how much they have learnt and understood and it has been down to their hard work and focus. They are now working on being able to quickly multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100, e.g. 34 divided by ten is 3.4 and 0.02 multiplied by one hundred is 2. In science, we have started to find out how electrical circuits work and recognise the component parts as objects and the symbols used to represent them. We are looking forward to creating our own circuits. Finally, in our values work, we have discussed and decided how we can take most situations and find a positive way of looking at them. We thought about how much better you can feel for thinking this way and how you may be more likely to succeed. It can be tricky, so they are looking out for each other and taking opportunities to be encouraging.
It has been a busy end to the half term week for year 5. We have continued our story writing on Shackleton’s expedition to the Antarctic and found out the Endurance has sunk and a new camp has been set up on the ice floe. We have completed our geometry unit in maths and can now accurately use a protractor to measure angles. We have continued to learn about Sir Francis Drake and his role in the Spanish Armada; Mr Cooper joined the class for the assessment, using Kahoot, to see how much we have progressed. Pete, from Asda, came into the class to demonstrate how to cook a chicken stir fry. We needed to help with the preparation of vegetables, showing our peeling, chopping and cutting skills. Nearly everyone had a clean plate at the end of tasting. I hope you are able to follow the recipe at home. Have a restful half term and we look forward to a really busy and exciting last half term, in year 5, when we return on 8th June.
Year 6 have enjoyed many sporting events this week with hockey, cricket, netball and cross-country. They have also started acting out the end of year play and writing their Ice Bear stories. Maths has involved a series of investigations – some more challenging then others but I think the one about pentagons was enjoyed the most. They have written to their Spanish penpals and had another Spanish lesson as well as finding out about Islands around the world in Geography. Thank you to those who have paid for Lundy and the Wake Park – I will try and group the children for car sharing so we can sort lifts. Homework is learning lines for the play as they have plenty to remember! I think they are all ready for a well earned break!