
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 23rd February
23 February 2024

Another packed week of learning that has included for the children: basic first aid training for asthma attacks; online reputation and online information sharing; a trip to China; bird’s eye view mapping using Google Earth; nutrition; everyday materials; inspirational historical women; earthquakes; keeping healthy; lino printing; biekability; outdoor learning and much,, much more. Please read on to our Around the Classes section to find out what each class has been up to…

Thank you to all of the pancake poem entrants. A difficult choice, but the judges decided on Amelia for first place, Bonnie second, Amber third and Iris fourth. Winning poem was:

Pancake Love

I love pancakes with syrup

I love pancakes with jam

I love pancakes with sausages

I love pancakes with ham

I love pancakes in the morning

I love pancakes at night

Please give me pancakes,

So I can take a big… BITE!

For more information on football trials for JPL North Devon Regional Talent Centre (working with Exeter City FC)boys and girls from under 7s upwards on 23rd February (boys) and 1st March (girls) please click here and here.

Diary Dates:

  • Tuesday 27th February is Kingsley School Senior School open morning.  A number of scholarship opportunities are available and for more information please click here
  • World Book Day 7th March. Children in Dolphins, Yr1 & Yr2 can come to school dressed in pyjamas ready for a bedtime story. Children in Yrs 3-6 can choose whether they wear pyjamas or come dressed as a character from a book they have read. There will also be a book sale in the Bay on the day. Books will cost 20p and the money will go towards new books.
  • Sports Day Tuesday 21st May – more details to follow


Have a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have continued to learn about Chinese New Year. On Tuesday we flew to China and did some sightseeing. We also tried some noodles, prawn crackers and fortune cookies. We have found out how Chinese New Year is celebrated around the world. We have also compared Appledore to China.

Year 1 have had a good week back to school and got straight into our learning! We have started our new topic ‘Coasts’ and we started by looking at maps and thinking about why things look different on a map. We found the school on Google Earth and talked about how we are looking from a bird’s eye view and then had a go at drawing our own maps of the classroom. In Writing we have started a new book ‘What happens when…’ and we have been having a go at writing some of our own questions. In Maths we have started Place Value to 50 and had a go at making numbers to 50 using base 10. It would be great if the children could practise numbers to 50 at home too.

Welcome back after the half term break Lundy Puffins (year 2)! This week they have started reading a book about Amelia Earhart which they will be using to write their own biographies in the coming weeks. In Maths, they have been learning the 5 and 10 times tables as well as division facts. There is a link to the Hit the Button game on the Google Classroom which they can use to practise their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In their History work, they have begun to learn about Grace Darling and her rescue. In Science they have begun a new topic about the uses of everyday materials and linked this to their outdoor learning where they were able to go on a materials hunt around the grounds of the school.

Year 3 have had a wonderful first week back! In Maths, we finished our topic on measurement and learned how to calculate the perimeter of 2D shapes. In English, we edited and published our poems from last half term and then we started a new book, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. We wrote our own noun phrases to describe the different treasures found in Arthur’s family vault and also used prepositions to describe where the objects were located. In Science, we began our new topic on nutrition and recapped what we already knew about animals including humans from Year 2. We then sorted different foods according to what nutrients they contained and discussed how lots of foods contain more than one nutrient. In Computing, we learned all about our online reputation and we discussed when it is ok to share information about ourselves online and when we shouldn’t. In Values, we learned how to identify someone who might be having an asthma attack and how to give basic first aid to someone who is having difficulty breathing.

In HMS Echo (year 4), the children have been busy learning lots of new topics since coming back from half term. In English, we have started a new explanation text called ‘Until I Met Dudley’, which is a non-fiction text, and we have familiarised ourselves by learning and remembering a few pages. In Maths, we have started learning about fractions, particularly looking at mixed numbers. We will move onto improper fractions next. In Geography, we have begun learning about earthquakes which the children are very excited about and they did some research about it on Chromebooks. In Science, we have started learning about living things and habitats, where they chose a habitat and had to draw what living things they think would be in that habitat. For our Values work, we started our new value ‘being healthy’, where the children had some first aid training on treating bites and stings, and looking out for signs of an allergic reaction.

Year 5 have really enjoyed writing their space logs about the first four planets they have visited. This week we have focused on writing in the first person and writing the main events in the past tense. In maths we have worked at completing division questions which have a remainder in the answer; all have realised the importance of knowing their times tables to do these calculations quickly and accurately. In science we have started our unit on animals, including humans. We have compared the gestation periods of different animals and thought of reasons why a hamster has a 15 day gestation whilst an elephant has 624 days gestation. In geography we have started to look at how volcanoes affect the lives of people on an island off of Iceland (Hiemaey). We took part in an outdoor learning session, with Sarah, on the solar system, linking to our space unit of work. Congratulations to the 10 pupils who successfully completed their level 1 and 2 Bikeability course.

Year 6 have beeYear 5 have really enjoyed writing their space logs about the first four planets they have visited. This week we have focused on writing in the first person and writing the main events in the past tense. In maths we have worked at completing division questions which have a remainder in the answer; all have realised the importance of knowing their times tables to do these calculations quickly and accurately. In science we have started our unit on animals, including humans. We have compared the gestation periods of different animals and thought of reasons why a hamster has a 15 day gestation whilst an elephant has 624 days gestation. In geography we have started to look at how volcanoes affect the lives of people on an island off of Iceland (Hiemaey). We took part in an outdoor learning session, with Sarah, on the solar system, linking to our space unit of work. Congratulations to the 10 pupils who successfully completed their level 1 and 2 Bikeability course. n publishing work in Literacy – you’d be amazed about the kinds of festivals that they have invented! In maths, they have been working with decimals and refining skills with calculating using the four operations and rounding as well. They have also completed some statistics work with line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts. In art, they have been completing work with lino printing. Weather permitting, it is outdoor learning on Thursday next week!

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