
Newsletter for the week ending Friday 22nd March
22 March 2024

Newsflash – Iris has won the Rotary Club district (ie Devon & Cornwall) photography competition and will go through to the national competition. Iris entered our House photography completion and we forwarded it to the Rotary one. Well done Iris and please click here to see her photo.

Thank you to all of you who have supported my daft running idea. If you don’t know what I’m talking about please click here. Obviously, there’s no obligation at all to support it but if you can in any way it’s very much appreciated.

We are soon to install CCTV covering our school entrance and car park and CCTV use requires a policy. The draft policy is available here and if you have any comments on the policy please submit them to us before Thursday 28th March.

Diary Dates:

  • Spring Disco Friday 22nd March. 5pm Reception – Y2, Y3-Y6 6.30pm-7.30pm. Tickets £3 and on sale on the door
  • Sports Day Tuesday 21st May – more details to follow


Have a super weekend

From Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff


This week in Turtles and Dolphins we have been learning about ‘Spring’. on Tuesday we went to the woods to look for signs of Spring. We have also been finding out about the life cycle of a chicken and a frog. We have painted pictures of chickens and we have made chickens using split pins.

In Year 1 this week we have started a new topic in Maths- Mass and Volume. So far we have used balance scales to find the mass of objects in the classroom in cubes. We loved seeing if our estimates were close to the actual mass! In Writing we are still using our slime book and have been learning about verbs. We learnt what verbs are and have been using them in sentences. In Computing we used our new Maths programme- We have sent home the logins and set some Maths work for the class to complete. Well done to everyone who has already logged in at home and had a go!

Lundy Puffins (year 2) have had another good week. For Maths, they have been looking at capacity and volume and have been looking at litres and millilitres. For their History work, they have been finding out how lifeboats have changed since Grace Darling’s day and they will be walking down to the lifeboat station next week to find out more. This links with their Art work, where they have been collage techniques to make a lifeboat picture. In their Science lessons, they have been testing different materials to find out if they are reflective. In Computing they have been making pictograms.

Year 3 have had a wonderful week! In Maths, we began a new topic on mass and capacity and looked at grams and kilograms as units of measurement. In English, we learned about the present perfect tense and used this tense to write a letter thanking Arthur for saving the town. We also began to plan our own quest stories based on ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’. In Geography, we compared pictures of Appledore today with pictures from the past and thought about how our local area and school has changed. We discussed whether we thought these changes were positive or negative for the community in Appledore. In Computing, we compared different branching databases and discussed which ones were more effective. We then had a go at creating our own branching database and tried to use as few questions as possible to group the objects.

It has been another busy week in the Year 5 classroom. We have been creating new stories based on different animals using adverbials of time and dialogue. In maths we have been looking at equivalent fractions and decimals and completing our termly assessments. Our science continued with looking at the stages of the human life cycle with this week thinking about old age. This has been a good link for a visits to Bluebell House. Our geography explored the volcanoes found on Heimaey and what it would be like to live there. This week is ‘sign language week’ so today we has a visitor in the classroom who showed us how to sign the alphabet and our names, we also played a game of bingo which was fun.

Year 6 have had fun with ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ in Literacy: they have begun personifying various items for their own stories. Conveying a character through how they speak and what they say has been very entertaining. In maths, it’s been a mixture of shape work and some fraction revision – we are hoping that the knowledge is now beginning to stick! In reading, they have been answering a variety of questions around drumming and have become better at how they link their answers to evidence in the text. In art, they have completed printing and have created a picture inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe ready for some textiles work next term. In PE, there was some great team work in benchball; it was brilliant to see a team that was struggling to score, did not give up! Please remind your children to sign up on the sheet in class if there are areas that they feel they need help with.

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