
Newsletter for the week ending 9th September
8 September 2017

The P4C (Philosophy for Children) question the children posed in Year 6 this week was ‘Why is there not peace in the word?‘ – enjoy discussing that one over the weekend! And for more news of what has been happening around the classes please read on…


It’s been a busy week and the children have settled well in their class routines. Some classes have even started our new P4C (Philosophy for Children) initiative! As always, please do ask if they or you are unsure about anything.

Welcome back everyone! All the children have settled really quickly and are becoming with our routines which is great. This week we have mainly concentrated on making friends and exploring our learning areas. We have talked about our exciting summer holidays, painting pictures and writing about them.

We have had an excellent first week in Year 1. All of the transition work we did last year has clearly paid off, everyone has come into school happy, prepared and eager to get started. Thank you to parents and grandparents for helping your children to come into class independently. 
Thank you also for filling the ‘holiday bags’. The children have really enjoyed speaking about their holidays and it has been interesting to hear all of the different adventures you have been on. Next we will use the bags to help write a recount of the summer holidays. We have also spoken about how we can keep our classroom a safe, happy place to be. We have all signed our names promising to ‘Be kind, polite and helpful’.

Lundy Puffins have settled in to Year 2 very well. Thank you for all the ‘extreme reading’ photographs that have come in so far. We have started a display of these in the reading area of our classroom, so please pop in and have a look. The children have started to share their holiday bags and had a great time finding out what everyone had been up to over the break. The remaining bags will be shared next week. We have made up our class rules. First we had to look at a picture of a chaotic classroom, then we had to think of some questions we could ask about the picture. Lots of questions were written, but the one we chose to discuss was ‘Why is it hapening?’ From this discussion, we were able to think of our class rules. They have also completed a trail in the jungle, watched a film clip about being the odd one out and written a story about a journey to the moon. Today, they will be making a tree with Mrs Harvey for the book corner.

Seahunter have had a great start to their new school year and have already started to look like very grown up year 3s! This week, we have spent time getting to know each other and thought about how we will make our class safe and happy. We have been very busy! We have decided on our rights and responsibilities, learnt about how our brains work and develop, thought about how to be good friends and had a go at our first fitness Friday exercise session. Everyone has worked hard and we are ready to start our normal lessons next week. Well done year 3

This week HMS Echo have settled well into their new classroom! They have also been lucky enough to have a new friend join their class and have been very welcoming of her and have been teaching her all about our school. The children have been learning about how to be responsible through creating a class contract, creating and presenting a welcome pack, taking on class jobs and discussing strategies and attitudes to help them to complete challenges. The class have begun their R.E topic by thinking about who has inspired them. We have also looked at how to stay safe online through watching a video about e-safety and the children asked lots of sensible questions.

Welcome back to Year 5. We have had a very busy week agreeing class rules and setting out work expectations. We have started to read the class book of ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and think about our new topic on The Vikings. We have finished our portraits which can now be seen in the cloakroom area. We are thinking about how colour can be used to indicate a different emotion and linking this with our RE and P4C.We are taking part in Ocean school on Tuesday morning. If any parent/grandparent would like to walk with us to the beach they are welcome to join us.

Year 6 have worked really hard trying to remember all their knowledge from Year 5 to complete some tests to help them this year. They have also completed portraits for a display outside the classroom and started their topic on The Anglo-Saxons. In Science they have started Living Things and Their Habitats. They have been running and are looking forward to starting maths and english next week. Letters have been sent out about applying for secondary schools. Please read carefully as there is a deadline in October. Thank you to all those who have already returned ‘Home School Agreements’, ‘SOE3 forms’ (local visits and Heatree) swimming forms and bikeability letters. There will be a short meeting for parents about Heatree on Tuesday 12th September at 3:30pm but if you have any questions come and ask.

Best wishes from 
Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children

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