
Newsletter for the week ending 1st March
1 March 2019

Please read on to find out out what has been happening in and around the classes, forthcoming events and advice regarding MOMO…

Dates for the Diary – PTA run events

Friday 8th March, Quiz and bingo night for adults – POSTPONED.
Friday 29th March, children’s Easter bingo. 3.30-4.30pm. Details to follow.
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.
Wednesday 5th June, sports day. Races for Y1-Y6 9:30am-12pm, lunch for all children and parents 12pm-1pm and afternoon activities for Reception to Y6 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Wednesday 12th June, reserve day for sports day (if bad weather 5th June)
Friday 21st June, summer fair. Details to follow.

Internet Safety / MOMO
Please keep a very close eye on your child’s use of social media and online channels and games, because there has been a spate of infiltrations whereby disturbing images are popping up in the previously considered safe forums. Infiltrations have included a number of platforms, inncluding children friendly YouTube sites and WhatsApp amongst others.

Nationally, Police have recommended that rather than focusing on the specific momo issue, parents could use the opportunity to discuss internet safety with their children, as well as having an open conversation about what children are accessing online.

Parent resources, to support conversations around online safety, are available on the ‘thinkuknow’ website:


After School Surf Club Resumes
Once again the North Devon Surf School are now offering your child the opportunity to learn to surf with professional instructors at their award winning Centre of Excellence in Westward Ho!
An eight week programme of lessons will run on Fridays 3.45pm – 5.45pm from the Surf School in Pebbleridge Road starting om Friday 26th April. It is for age 7 upwards. Children don’t need to be expert swimmers, water confidence is more important. Spaces are limited so please call Helena at The North Devon Surf School on 01237 474663 to reserve your child a place by 30th March 2018. For the full details please click here.????????????????????????


This week in FSU we have been looking at water and how a swimming Teacher helps us. Harry’s MUm came to talk to us about the different ways she teaches children to swim from very young babies to big children. We have looked at the water cycle and worked out why and how it goes around in a circle. We have also looked at floating and sinking and we had great fun working out which objects float and which objects sink and why. We have also painted pictures of the different kinds of water weather and worked out the colours in the rainbow.

We have had a great first week back after half term in Year 1, with Mr McGrath teaching most of our lessons. In Maths we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to 100. In Writing we have started our new book ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. We have written about parties we have been to, talked about what we liked and disliked about the story, written questions for the characters and then pretended to be the characters and answered the questions. In Science we have been finishing our topic on Seasons, we went to the Jungle to look for signs of Spring and learnt about how the different seasons are caused. We also had an interesting assembly on Monday with Daniel from Uganda who showed us instruments he had made and played them for us. Thanks to Molly’s Dad and Mrs O’Shea for arranging this for us.

Lundy Puffins enjoyed a Diwali day on Wednesday where they were able to dress up in traditional Indian clothes, make Rangoli patters, decorate some paper hands with mendhi patterns and taste some Indian food. In the afternoon they even learned how to dance Bollywood-style! The experience will help them to complete their writing about festivals. On Tuesday, they learned about the story behind Diwali and why it is celebrated. They all wrote their own fantastic versions of the story and impressed us with their amazing vocabulary choices. In Maths, they have continued with division and have been learning how multiplication and division are closely related. In the art studio, they made diva lamps for the Diwali celebrations from clay which, once fired, will be decorated. On Monday, they watched an assembly by ‘Mrs Recycle’ and learned all about the importance of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. She will be coming back to school in a few weeks time to create some art work with the whole school using old plastic bottle tops, so please save these and send them into school. Don’t forget that next Thursday is World Book Day and children can come to school dressed as a character from a children’s book

Seahunter have had a great first week back at school. In Maths, they have been exploring weight and capacity, focusing on how to measure scales. They enjoyed practising with water, estimating the capacity of containers such as water bottles as well as weighing items around the classroom. In English, they have been developing their writing schools using adverbial phrases such as ‘In the moonlit forest’ to set the scene for their own stories. The highlight of the week, however, was erupting volcanoes. The children all enjoyed watching as their ‘lava’ made its way our of their amazing creations! They watched the way it flowed down the sides and how it spread, to help them think about how real lava stops, cools and forms into igneous rock. We are all looking forward to the trip to the Eden Project on Tuesday…make sure alarm clocks are set nice and early!

HMS Echo have had a productive first week back. They have been exploring fractions in Maths and have looked at how to find fractions of an amount and equivalent fractions. In English, we had begun to discuss and learn from our new text ‘Winter’s Child’ and have focused on writing adverbial phrases. In P.E, we have been continuing to learn dance skills following a Roman dance workshop. We have been learning about our new value creative and looking at how we can be creative in different ways. The class were each given a black dot which they continued to draw from imagining what it could be

This week we have seen Mrs Recycle in an assembly and she asked us to collect bottle tops for a piece of art work that we will make with her. Year 5 was set the challenge of making vegetables out of bottle tops. In art we have already designed some vegetable pictures for what we will make out of bottle tops. PLEASE COLLECT AS MANY AS YOU CAN! Ready to bring in .In science we have been finishing of the rest of our work such as finding out which fruits can resemble each planet. In math we have moved on to a different unit, it is all about fractions. In English we have been working on different punctuation skills and making sentences on made up planets. An soe3 has just been given out as we are going to We are the curious but some people know it as At Bristol we are going there on the 27th of march 2019. There is also another payment for the y6 residential to Hetree. Also world book day is next week on Thursday the 7th.

This week Y6 have been doing revision on area and perimeter in preparation for SATs. In English, we are writing fact files about dragons, having read the first part of the book, Dragonology. We have been drawing and colouring our detailed dragons in art. In our topic, we are writing a war diary as if we were experiencing World War II. We used the computers to see how the war was declared in 1939. We have started to think about the new school value of ‘creativity’ and how we can apply this to our work. Our French lesson focused on facial features and how to pronounce these words in French.

Have a wonderful weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children

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