Newsletter for the week ending 19th March 2021
Sorry all you Argyle fans (Mrs Bannister included), but it was a sea of red at school today to mark Comic Relief! Thank you for your contrubutions.
Parent Meetings for Years 1-6 will be held during the last two weeks of this term and again will be virtual. They will either be online or by telephone and notification to book a time slot on Teachers2Parents has been sent to you by text and email. If you are experiencing any difficulty with booking, please contact
Citizen’s Advice Devon have asked us to make our families aware of the availability of Covid Winter Fuel Vouchers to help with utility bill. For more information please click here
We wish you all a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Best wishes from
Jeremy Cooper and all the children and staff
This week in Trutles and Dolphins we have started a new mini topic about Spring. We have found out about the life cycles of a caterpillar, a chicken and a frog. We have made frogs and chicks from a range of materials. We have also started to look at how the trees change through the different seasons and made sculptures of them.
It has been a very busy week in the Sealions’ Class. In our writing learning, we have continued to use the book Tell Me A Dragon to inspire our writing. Thank you to those children who have brought in dragons that they have created at home. If any other children want to do this, we would be delighted to display them in the class. The children have learnt the names of colours and gemstones to enhance their writing. In maths, we have been measuring with rulers this week and have been learning about centimetres. The children have been dragonologists and have been measuring dragon eggs and dragon tails. In science this week we have been investigating magnets and exploring materials that are magnetic. The children were surprised to find out that not all metals are magnetic. Have a relaxing weekend!
Well done Lundy Puffins for your hard work again this week! Everyone has written a biography about the well-known person they researched. They all tried really hard to include all the features they had learned when reading the Amelia Earhart biography. In Maths, they have started a new unit of work and have learned to read and make their own tally charts. They had a go at creating their own tally chart on the playground. Alongside tally charts, they have also been practising their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They have learned about the explorer Christopher Columbus and had a look at the journey he made on a map. In the Art Studio, they have continued to work with clay.
Seahunter have had an exciting week starting to find out about the Life of Marie Curie for our topic. ‘What did Marie do for us?’ They have watched some animations telling her life story, taken notes and created some fabulous artwork to share what they have learnt so far. They created some ‘radioactive’ green marbling to represent her discovery of Radium. In maths, they have continued to work hard learning about fractions and, in English have been developing the skills they need to write chronological reports. Finally, in P.E. the children worked hard to develop their running style to beat their own scores when running as many widths of the playground as they can in a minute. They also considered how much their heart rates rose and the importance of this for developing fitness.
Year 4 have enjoyed learning a new text in English this week with Miss Grigg. They have been looking at the text ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ and focusing on the skills used by the author. The children have completed a likes, dislikes, puzzles and patterns grid, and also mapped out part of the story through actions and drawings. The class have learnt about the properties of solids, liquids and gases in Science. For Computing, the children then used what they had learnt on how to create tables and titles, to present the information they had learnt in Science. In Topic, the children looked at different recipe books from across a period of time, looking at how recipes have changed and why this is.

Year 5 have finally finished their fractions unit this week ready for decimals and percentages (and a bit more on fractions). They have been having to use their range of skills to complete some quite complicated problems. In literacy, they have been learning about the passive voice as well as re-capping complex sentences ready to use for some writing next week. In science, they have studied astronomy and found out about exoplanets. In computing, they are learning skills in Scratch in order to create their own quizzes – it involves lots about language and how selection works when programming. They have also been lucky enough to be involved in a project to develop part of the school site as part of an Outdoor Learning activity – we’ll let you know more about this later.
This week in maths, Year Six have been doing revision learning about place value, Roman numerals and adding and subtracting. In ICT, we have started looking at how to make a website and will be soon making our own. Grammar was revision on subordinate clauses. In English we have been writing about dragons and wizards of the world. We have also started our own writing about mythical creatures. Topic/History has been focussing on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We also learnt about Alfred the Great and wrote evaluations about whether he was actually great! In art, a group has started designing and making ceramics. We have started learning to say our pets in Spanish. Reporters: Rosie and Zach