
Newsletter for the week ending 11th January 2019
11 January 2019

Welcome back everybody and it’s been a very busy week.  Please read on to find out what has been going on in and around the classes this week…


Kingsley School Scholarship & Entrance Days
These are being held on 17th and 18th January 2019 for a year 7 entry in September 2019.


Maths Week
When we return in January, it will be maths week in school. Each class is reading a story and completing maths work related to the story. We will be looking forward to sharing our work with parents during that week, so please look out for times and dates which should be passed on soon.

Thrift Club
First Thrift Club this year will be Monday 28th January.

Hospice Donations


Happy New Year! Turtles and Dolphins have talked about our Christmas holidays and painted pictures of the presents we received. Then we focused on the story The Hungry Caterpillar as part of Maths Week. We have sequenced the story, counted out fruit and started to add them together to make totals, we have also made repeating patterns with the fruit. We have made sculptures of the caterpillar and the butterfly and looked at the butterfly cycle.

In Year 1 we have had a great first week back, everyone has come back keen and ready to learn. Maths through Stories Week has been good fun. We read the story ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab’ and have completed lots of activities connected to the story. Thank you to everyone who came to share our learning on Thursday morning, we had fun making our games and even more fun playing them with you. We have also been looking at the book ‘Oi Frog’, we have discussed what we liked about the book and pretended to be the characters from the story. Our Philosophy session used the story ‘Stick Man’ we discussed the question ‘Why did Stick Man help Father Christmas?’.

For Maths week, Lundy Puffins have read the book ‘The Great Pet Sale’ and have completed different activities related to money. One challenge was to find out if all the animals in the shop really did cost £1 altogether. Thank you very much to all the parents and grandparents who came in and joined in with the Maths week investigations on Thursday morning. In English, they have started a new sequence of work. They are watching two clips: Man on the Moon and Baboon on the Moon and are using these to write stories. The new topic has begun, which for this term is ‘India’. In the art studio on Thursday, they drew and painted some Indian elephants. Philosophy this week used the book: Stick Man. The question they chose to discuss was ‘Why didn’t Stick Man listen to the other animals when they tried to warn him?’

Seahunter have had a great first week back and were clearly all very happy to see each other after the Christmas break. This week has been Maths Week and we have completed tasks and investigations based on the book, ‘What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras’. The children have worked cooperatively and used their reasoning skills to solve and explain problems and found out about different types of angles. They have discovered that why right angle triangle is used in building and designing and how Pythagoras’ ideas have helped people across the world ever since. Our value for this half term is determination and philosophy, they discussed the attitude of tortoise in Aesop’s Fable ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’, inking it to events and experiences of their own. Finally, we would like to welcome Miss Knill to our class. She is a trainee teacher who will be working with us this term so if you see her around please introduce yourself. The children have got to know her this week and are really looking forward to her teaching them in a couple of weeks time.

This week in Year 4 we have been reading the story ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ for Maths week, from which we have been learning about time. The class have been learning how to read and write the time both in a 12 hour clock and a 24 hour clock, and how to solve problems involving changes in time. Literacy this week has also been focused on skills from our Maths story, focusing particularly on punctuating direct speech. The children look forward to showing you their learning on Friday afternoon! In Philosophy, we read the book ‘Frog is a Hero’ focusing on our new value for this half term ‘Determination.’ The class came up with and discussed our big question ‘If you were scared and worried, would you be determined to carry on?’

This week in Year 5 we have been working on ‘Jim and the Beanstalk’ by Raymond Briggs. As it is Maths Week, we have made giants the size of the classroom height. There has been a lot about measuring to calculate the average height of children, in order to decide on a height for the Giant. We have learnt about ratios and Milo said that we were making the ratio of a ‘child giant’ as we were measuring children not adults. We had to make toast the correct size for the Giant to have three fried children on toast for breakfast and we made scaled drawings of the Giant’s glasses, transforming these into models from newspaper. As part of art, we made giant sized objects for the Giant to hold. In PE, we have calculated how long it might have taken Jim to climb 2000m up the beanstalk by timing ourselves climbing apparatus. We have also re-created the story from the Giant’s point of view and used classification keys to sort beans. A busy week! Please don’t forget about residential payments and having a PE kit in every day.

This week in year 6 we have started a new ICT topic-Microsoft Excel. We’ve begun to write a diary about Ernest Shackleton’s voyage. During maths week we have been focusing on triangles including the use of Pythagoras’ Theorem. Our new class topic is World War II. We are now doing Christianity in RE and have started SPAG revision for SATS

Have a lovely weekend
From Jeremy Cooper and all the staff and children

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